Bhasha Sangam – A Celebration of Language Festival under ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat
In order to celebrate the diversity of Indian culture, Bhasha Sangam an initiative under the “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat” was taken in our school during the morning assembly. Students spoke few lines pertaining to the language of the day. They came dressed in that particular attire. Students along with the help of teachers prepared display […]
Anti Fire Crackers Campaign
With an aim to spread awareness about fire crackers causing noise and air pollution and numerous health hazards to human beings and animals, students of our school took out an Anti-Fire Crackers Rally on 25-10-2019 in Avtar Enclave. The young eco warriors carried colourful placards and raised slogans like Say No to Crackers and Yes […]
Special Talk on Thalassaemia
Today we had Dr. Nikhil amongst us who is a surgeon and a Medical Officer at Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital. He was in our school premises for a special talk to spread awareness about Thalassaemia among our students. Since Thalassaemia ia a genetic disorder and many of the students didn’t know about such a disorder. […]
Workshop for the students of Classes IX and X
A motivational workshop was organized for the students of classes IX and X. The resource person was a well-known motivator, Mr. Manoj Sethi. He inspired the students with his little tips on conccntration, happiness and acquiring optimism. The students gained a lot from this fruitful workshop and enjoyed the session by sharing their personal experiences.
Steps taken to Prevent Vector Borne Diseases (Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria)
As per the Instructions of DOE to create mass awareness about Dengue and other vector borne diseases special assembly was conducted in the morning. The students were made aware about the causes of these diseases and even sensitized to check that stagnant water is not there in the school, their homes or neighbourhood area. The […]
150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
On account of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, an array of activities was held from 23-9-2019 to 02-10-2019. A special assembly was held in which a skit was presented and highlighted the contribution of the father of nation. Gandhi Katha Kathan and talks on Gandhi were also presented in the auditorium. Apart from this, students […]
Fit India Plogging Run
To mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi a “Plogging Run” under the banner of Fit India Movement was organized by Sant Nirankari Public School, Avtar Enclave. The main objective of this campaign was to make students and people aware of the bad effects of polythene bags on our environment, human beings and animals. […]
Mobile Science Exhibition
The students of Classes IX and X visited Mobile Science Exhibition on 23.09.2019(Monday) in our school premises. The bus equipped with various themed scientific exhibits from across India gave an opportunity to our students to integrate modern technologies in their daily lives. The topics were explained by the Science Co-ordinator and other staff members in an […]