Rules and Regulations of the School
- To maintain discipline and for the smooth functioning of the school, the parents should encourage their wards to be punctual, regular, disciplined and follow the rules and regulation of the school.
- Leave more than 2 days has to be supported with a medical certificate/application duly signed by the parent/guardian clearly mentioning the purpose/reason for leave.
- Read the Almanac thoroughly and use this as the means of communication with the school through appropriate columns.
- Please check the record of Homework/Assignment remarks given by the teachers/class teacher regularly and sign the same as acknowledged.
- Ensure that your child completes the homework or other assignments given to him/her daily.
- The school fee should be paid on time to prevent fine and inconvenience.
- Please do not send your child to school when he/she is sick or suffering from any communicable disease.
- Information regarding books, stationery and uniform is available for the students at school’s reception counter.
- Fee will be charged for a period of 12 months.
- School fee should be deposited by the 15th of each month. Fine will be charged after 15th. Please read information given on the fee counter.
- If the fee is not paid by 30th of that month, the name of the ward will be struck off from the register.
- The student may be re-admitted by the principal on the payment of arrears and penalty mentioned on fee card/ fee counter.
- Fee and fine charges once paid are not refundable in any case. Arrears and fee must be cleared before respective test/examinations.
- Private tuitions are not undertaken by any teacher of our school. However, the school organizes remedial classes to help the weak students during school hours and summer /winter holidays.
- Most subject teachers are available to an individual student or a group of students in mutually convenient free period to assist them on voluntary basis.
- PTMs are held regularly and it is mandatory for the parents to attend these meetings to keep track of their ward’s progress.
- Lunch boxes will not be accepted at the reception for security reasons.
- Students who arrive late or remain absent without permission will not be allowed to enter the class without the permission of the Principal/H.M.. If the student is sick he/she has to produce a medical certificate otherwise it will lead to name being struck off from the rolls.
- Meetings with the principal/H.M. would be entertained as per the timings fixed or with prior appointment made at the reception.
- Student should always be in neat and tidy uniform.
- Student should not carry mobile phones.
- Any willful and contemplated loss to the school property by a student is punishable and he/she will have to bear the loss.
- 75% attendance for a student is compulsory.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours. Incase of emergency it shall be sanctioned by the principal/H.M. only if parent/guardian is there to collect the child.
- Student will move from one place to another in proper queue and in an orderly manner.
- Students may stay back in school if need arises only if the parents are aware/agree for the same.
- Parents are requested to extend maximum possible co-operation in the working of the school and requested they should ensure the school rules to be strictly observed. They are requested not to interfere in the affairs of the management. However a suggestion towards up gradation of the school is always welcome.
- All the textbooks and notebooks should be covered and should bear the name and class of the student .the school is not responsible for any loss.
- Incomplete H.W/C.W. – Note will be sent to parent for signature and if it persists parents will be called.
- If a student misbehaves, is disobedient, disrespectful to teachers or breaks any of the school rules then note will be sent to the parents and they can be called.
- Abusive language, any form of violation, communalism and untouchability.
- Bursting crackers, throwing colours or painting faces in school.
- Smoking, drinking and gambling.
- The violation of school rules will be view seriously.