Today other than pursuing academic excellence we need to produce human beings who are ‘ being human’ towards the society. We at SNPS believe and motivate the students to be lifelong learners and productive members of this ever changing and ever growing society. We empower the students to turns their dreams of yesterday into hope of today and reality of tomorrow. With positivity, we provide good quality modern education including a strong component of cultural values, environment awareness, physical fitness and inclusive education irrespective of their socio-economic condition. We work to meet the educational aspirations of a child by planning, preparation and presentation while motivating our students to become responsible citizens. We inculcate in them the desire to serve humanity. A committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and cooperative parents blend harmoniously to create this school as a child centric school.
Our Success is blessed
With Satguru’s grace
When noble are our ways.
Our achievements are destined
When hard work is on mind.
We earn name and fame
When serving humanity with love is our aim.
Tanuja Madaan
Vice Principal